* indicates a service will also be live streamed

Please note: Services are currently being held in our church hall during refurbishment works in the church.

THURSDAY 20 February

Cancelled due to illness, sorry

Contemporary worship

Space for reflection and prayer

Sunday 23 February

9:15am Informal*
Rev Mark Hammond and Tiffany Cheung

11:00am Traditional*
Rev Mark Hammond

Sunday 2 March

9:15am Informal with Holy Communion*
Rev Mark Hammond, Rebecca Byass and Lewis Cox

11:00am Traditional with Holy Communion*
Rev Mark Hammond, Rebecca Byass and Deacon Sarah Wickett

Rebecca Byass is Engagement Officer at charity All We Can

Ash Wednesday 5 March

8:00pm Ash Wednesday Service with Holy Communion
Rev Mark Hammond

SUNDAY 9 March

Journeys in the Wilderness
A Spirit-led Journey

9:15am Informal*
Deacon Sarah Wickett and Sally Hammond

11:00am Traditional*
Deacon Sarah Wickett

Sunday 16 March

9:15am Informal*
Deacon Sarah Wickett and Sally Hammond

11:00am Traditional*
Deacon Sarah Wickett

6:00pm Reflective Service
Donna Fowler-Marchant